Thursday, July 30, 2009



a sorry state of affairs when you just can't find your way through the minefield of procrastination and get to work.....

Monday, July 27, 2009


Having the kids here, driving them up and down the backbone of Colorado to the airport, playdates (what else can you call what they do here?) concerts, hunting and gathering, the quest for sun and water. I'm sure you get my drift here. Along with my daytime job, and my suddenly active doll etc. business (I'm making a second quilt and matching teddy bear), I'm gripping the days with fingers extended to their maximum.
They're at someone else’s house this week; I can attempt to clean around their triple parked "stuff".
and finish the quilt and bear, and start the next doll- a centerpiece for an autumn foyer display for a woman who lives near you. Autumn? Summer? Did winter actually end? And now it's peeking over the Rockies at me again.
Ok, going to take a shower now ttyl

Monday, July 13, 2009

susurrus24: another Sale on Etsy!!!

susurrus24: another Sale on Etsy!!!

another Sale on Etsy!!!

woohoo!!! A nice woman, who collects dolls has purchased Samantha Jane!! She will be wearing an ivory dress and autumn leaf patterned apron. this is what she says:
by joannkade
Thank you for writing me. I was wondering if it would be possible to have an autumn leaf pattern pinafore over a cream or ivory dress. We just moved into our new home and she will be one of my main decorations this fall. I have been collecting large homemade dolls for several years, but none of them compare in quality to your dolls. Thank you for making her for our family. Jo Ann
12 July 2009 12:35pm EDT

I rock!!!! Yep, sometimes the quilts that come out looking like dolls are worth all the effort!!


on every other day, in the long linked necklace of my days, I attempt to dig a deep convoluted hole through the rich, loamy earth of my psyche and create a bloody quilt. Sometimes it works........and sometimes........maybe not. Unfortunately, when the creative types who design human beings were handing out patience, I was in the french fry line. Right.....everything is relative. Hey, it takes a long time to make french fries and I can wait for that !!!! It would be so much easier if the quilts, etc.. that live in my my brain could be instantly translated to the top of my bed. good luck with that, Nana.